marți, 14 iunie 2022


Interviu cu Simona Vitizov, autoarea cărții ”Scenariul 4. Cal invizibil – 5 secunde”

B.N.: Pentru persoanele care nu au avut ocazia să te cunoască, ne poți spune câteva lucruri despre tine?
Mă numesc Simona Vitizov și în curând voi împlini 32 de ani (wow, nu stiu cand trece timpul). Am crescut fără părinții mei și am rămas singură cu sora mea după divorțul părinților mei Am fost eleva de 10 pe linie, am terminat prima liceul, am primit „Cheia liceului”, mi-am luat Licența în Drept și am terminat și un Master în Științe Penale. Am lucrat mai bine de 6 ani în domeniul juridic pentru diferite companii iar în ultimii ani m-am ocupat cu scrierea de conținut, atât în limba română, cât și în engleză.

Dar, am intrat intr-o depresie foarte mare când am pierdut contactul cu mama și cu sora mea, depresie cauzată și de faptul că am lucrat pentru fostul meu angajator timp de un an și, fără să fiu plătită la timp sau deloc și, de asemenea, pentru că am descoperit că sănătatea mea nu era una buna, fiind diagnosticată printre altele cu multe probleme la coloana vertebrală, am început să scriu și asta m-a ajutat foarte mult, să pun pe „hârtie” ce simt.

B.N.: Ce ne poți spune despre cartea / ultima carte pe care ai scris-o?
Într-o notă mai puțin formală, cred că paginile scrise reprezintă gânduri și dureri ale fiecărei persoane, a cărei trăire sau traumă e în final aceeași. Toți gândim, toți căutăm sau am căutat răspunsuri, pentru ca în final să ne dorim același lucru, să fim fericiți.
Am început această carte cu scopul de a mă elibera, fiind cumva o carte complexă de credință, dragoste, frici, paranoia și aventură în căutarea fericirii. Cumva mi-a dat puterea să mă revolt prin „Natalia” și de ce nu, să vindec, atât cât am putut. Pentru unii probabil rândurile mele vor fi un science fiction, pentru alții o poveste de dragoste, iar pentru restul o dramă absolută neînțeleasă. Cred că îmi doresc pentru oricine o va citi, să îndrăznească măcar să spere că viața e mai mult decât atât.

Refuz cu vehemență să cred că venim pe pământ să fim nefericiți, să ne alimentăm cu suferință, să preluăm concepții greșite și eronate că viața e o luptă și trebuie să răzbim. Dacă nu e așa? Totodată, mi-aș dori ca la finalul cărții, oricine o va citi, să se vindece, să spere, să iubească, să ierte, conștientizând și altceva, prin experiențele descrise. De asemenea, îmi doresc să aduc bucurie, prin glumele, aluziile și joculețele presărate cu amuzament. Nu în ultimul rând, îmi doresc ca fiecare să aibă curaj să își înceapă propria aventură.

B.N.: Cum arată spațiul în care lucrezi la cărțile tale?
Nu pot să zic ca am un spațiu concret unde scriu. Să spunem că… biroul meu este… peste tot. Dar, de obicei scriu pe masa din bucătărie, care este plină de pixuri, hârtie, cafeaua, apă, alte băuturi carbogazoase cu aromă de cola și cu Fanomiță din când în când, când îi este foame și sare pe masă, „spunându-mi” să-i dau de mâncare.

B.N.: Când ai avut acel declic care te-a făcut să realizezi pasiunea ta pentru cărți?
După divorțul părinților mei, la vârsta de 12 ani, m-am închis foarte mult în mine. Mintea mea a perceput ca este singură pe lume și că, cumva, are o misiune specială de îndeplinit. Dar această misiune trebuia să înceapă prin „hrănirea” minții mele, facând acest lucru cu ajutorul cărților, care mi-au devenit cele mai bune prietene.

B.N.: Dacă nu ai scrie, ce altă pasiune sau carieră ai urma?
De mică mi-am dorit să devin judecător. Dar, prinsă în diverse gânduri, nu mai știu ce vreau în prezent. De moment, profesia mea este de jurist și mai am câteva colaborări pe partea de content writing.

B.N.: Ce autori români contemporani admiri?
Cu siguranță, Mircea Cărtărescu, Ana Blandiana, Gabriel Liiceanu și Părintele Constantin Necula.

B.N.: Ai anumite etape din publicarea unei cărți care nu îți plac?
Daaaaa. Timpul necesar așteptării fiecărei etape, până la publicarea finală. Așa cum spun și în carte, eu nu am lecția răbdării învățată, pff.

B.N.: Care este visul tău suprem în materie de colaborări?
Cred că este ca cel asemănător al tuturor scriitorilor. Să aibă cât mai multe colaborări, astfel încât cartea să ajungă în mâinile a cât mai multor cititori.

B.N.: Consideri că audiobook câștigă din ce în ce mai mult teren pe piața de carte?
Am auzit persoane care preferă varianta de audiobook a cărții. Spre exemplu, eu încă mă lupt cu insomniile. Deseori redau video-uri cu sunete de ploaie și tunete pe fundal, să pot să-mi liniștesc gândurile, alteori îmi pun povești românești sau recitări, cum ar fi „Mistrețul cu colții de argint” și da, mă liniștesc. Cred totuși că această variantă câștigă mai mult teren pe piața internațională și nu în Romania.

B.N.: Ne poți spune o întâmplare haioasă sau interesantă din perioada în care ai scris cartea?
Deși cartea mea este reală și toate trăirile și experiențele descrise acolo au fost adevărate, personajul „Petru”… avea să apară cu adevărat în viața mea, la nici o săptămână după ce am terminat de scris cartea, iar numele tatălui lui a fost Petru, care nu mai este printre noi în prezent.

B.N.: Numește cartea care te-a introdus în universul lecturii.
Uff, grea întrebare. Aș spune că Biblia, apoi cărțile lui Jack London, apoi cărțile thriller ale lui James Patterson, apoi toate seriile din „Diagnosticarea Karmei” ale lui Serghei Lazarev, cărțile lui Eliade și multe altele.

B.N.: Care este eroul tău de carte preferat?
Frodo, din capodopera lui Talkien, „Stăpânul inelelor”.

B.N.: Ai apela vreodată la un pseudonim?
Nu știu. Nu cred. Sau poate în anumite circumstanțe, depinde de situația concretă.

B.N.: Te implici în procesul de design al coperții cărții tale?
Da, m-am implicat. Am ținut legătura constant cu persoana care a realizat coperta cărții și am transmis ideea mea de copertă. Pentru varianta cărții în limba engleză, mă mândresc cu acțiunea mea, de a învăța „tehnologie” și de a-mi realiza cu mari eforturi coperta.

B.N.: Care este topul internațional de carte în care ai vrea să ocupi prima poziție?
Aceasta întrebare îmi amintește de un citat și regret că nu îmi amintesc acum cui îi aparține, dar spune așa: „Nu am avea vise, dacă nu ne-ar fi fost date de Univers, cu scopul de a le îndeplini”. Nu știu să cum să răspund, probabil în topul cărților de aventură în căutarea fericirii și a vindecării.

B.N.: Cum ți-a schimbat perioada de pandemie stilul de viață și tabieturile de scris?
„Scenariul” l-am început în pandemie. Cred că pandemia, din păcate, alături de depresia mea, m-au ajutat să am curajul să scriu tot ce am scris.

B.N.: Știm din statistici că românii citesc puțin. Cine și cum ar putea schimba asta?
Cred ca statisticile potrivit cărora românii citesc puțin sunt bazate pe citirea concretă a cărților fizice. Dar romanii citesc tot timpul. Există TV, mass-media, social media. Prin urmare, sunt informați și citesc tot timpul, dar nu cărți probabil. Cine și cum ar putea schimba asta? Bună întrebare! Prin propria conștientizare și dorința de creștere și informare.Deși Albert Einstein spunea că „Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.“ (Informația nu este cunoaștere. Singura sursă a cunoașterii este experiența), consider că trebuie să ai acces la informație pentru a experimenta, adică să citești, să înveți lucruri noi, despre Univers, oameni, despre tine însuți, pentru a putea experimenta. Singura cheie care deschide acest „lacăt” este propria voință a fiecăruia, de a iesi din anumite stări, de a-și dori să se vindece, să reajungă la contactul cu propriul sine, pentru a fi fericit, aspecte pe care eu le-am tratat de altfel în carte.

B.N.: Unde îți pot urmări cititorii noștri activitatea și de unde pot cumpăra cărțile?
Toți cei care sunt sau vor fi interesați de activitatea mea, mă pot gasi prin intermediul paginii mele personale de FB, Simona Vitizov, paginii cărții, intitulată „Scenariul 4. Cal invizibil – 5 secunde”, sau pe blogul meu personal.

Pentru cei care vor să achizitioneze cartea în limba romană, o pot face fie contactându-mă personal, prin orice mijloc de contact, dacă își doresc să primească cartea cu un mesaj special și dedicat din partea mea, sau de pe site-ul Librăriei Coresi.

Pentru cei care vor să achiziționeze cartea în format e-book sau tiparită, în limba engleză, o pot face pe Amazon  sau Smash Words.

B.N.: Câteva cuvinte de final pentru cititorii
Mulțumesc tuturor care au avut răbdarea să citească acest interviu și multumesc tuturor celor care decid că își doresc propria aventură, care poate începe cu achiziționarea cărții mele. Sunt recunoscătoare și îmi doresc ca oricine o va citi să își găsească curajul, ambiția, puterea, forța interioară, să aibă curajul să ierte și să ceară iertare, să se vindece de trecut și să meargă cu încredere, cu noua lor versiune, spre un viitor mai bun și mai strălucitor.

duminică, 12 iunie 2022

 Tocmai am publicat prima mea carte...

    Cred că paginile scrise reprezintă gândurile și durerile fiecărei persoane, a cărei experiență sau traumă este în cele din urmă aceeași. Cu toții gândim, cu toții căutăm sau am căutat răspunsuri, astfel încât, până la urmă, să ne dorim același lucru, și anume să fim fericiți. Am început această carte pentru a mă elibera. Cumva mi-a dat putere să mă revolt prin "Natalia" și să vindec cât de mult am putut. Pentru unii, cartea mea va fi probabil un science fiction, pentru alții o poveste de dragoste, iar pentru restul o dramă absolută. Îmi doresc ca oricine o citește, să îndrăznească să spere că viața este mai mult decât atât. Refuz vehement să cred că suntem aici pentru a fi nefericiți, pentru a ne hrăni cu suferință, pentru a prelua concepții greșite că viața este o luptă și trebuie să supraviețuim. Ce se întâmplă dacă nu? Mi-aș dori ca toți să fie vindecați, să aibă din nou speranță, să iubească, să ierte, să fie conștienți de altceva, prin experiențele descrise. De asemenea, vreau să aduc bucurie, prin glume, aluzii și jocuri presărate cu distracție. Nu în ultimul rând, îmi doresc ca fiecare să aibă curajul să înceapă propria aventură.

Cartea poate fi comandata de pe site-ul Librariei Coresi  sau poate fi comandata direct de pe pagina FB a cartii, intitulata „ Scenariul 4. Cal invizibil - 5 Secunde”, situatie in care cartea va fi trimisa de catre mine personal, cu un mesaj special si aparte dedicat persoanelor care doresc sa o achizitioneze direct. 


Interview with Simona Vitizov 

Published 2022-06-12.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
When I write, I am no longer myself. I become a person who just wants to write and to create, to express my feeling, to heal and find my happiness.
What do your fans mean to you?
I don't really have that much friends, but those who read my book, were amazed and I am so grateful for that.
What are you working on next?
I am currently working on my second book, a continuation of Scenario 4. I am also writing things on my personal blog,
Who are your favorite authors?
This is a difficult answer, but I think my favorite authors are Tolkien and Mircea Eliade.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
When I am not writing, I am working, reading, taking long walks in the park and play with my cat, Ghosty.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
My friends usually recommend me some, or I just search for the eBooks I'm interested in.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes of course. It was in primary school and all the teachers were amazed by a mini-story I wrote in Romanian class. It was about a puppy being abandoned and how I took him home to take care of him. He was missing one leg and I prayed for God to give him his 4th leg and the next day I woke up, magic happened.
What is your writing process?
I simply let go... of me, myself... and the words... it's like my work is writing itself.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
Sure. My first book I read was White Fang, by Jack London. Maybe that's where I found the inspiration to write my first mini-story.
How do you approach cover design?
I become greater and greater regarding technology. I try to keep my nerves, because it's difficult sometimes, but in the end... it's all good.
Describe your desk
My desk it's ... everywhere. I usually write on the kitchen's table, which is full with pens, paper, my coffee, water and Ghosty, from time to time, when he is hungry and tells me to feed him.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
Since I was 12, I lived only with my little sister. After my parent's divorce, well... my father vanished, so was my mother. I was raised by Penelope, my grandmother, who, unfortunately, is now paralyzed after having a stroke 12 years ago. My childhood, which wasn't a normal one, like every other's, made me get a refuge in books, who became my best friends. So, the pains, the trauma, the fears... they all contributed for me to start writing.

Books by This Author

Scenario 4. Invisible Horse - 5 Seconds 
Price: $11.99 USD. Words: 67,430. Language: English. Published: June 12, 2022. Categories: Fiction » Christian » RomanceFiction » Adventure » General
“There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs that you have in mind, so scattered, so widespread and inert that you never think you could doubt them.” Anthony de Mello

luni, 6 iunie 2022


Always. Never. Part II

    Somehow, I started to love you. I started to genuine love you because everything seemed so easy with you, and without knowing it, you gave me energy, you gave me hope and strength, that I could do anything and that I could solve all my problems. You gave me the courage to resign from my former employee who has not paid me for a year and a half, you gave me the opportunity to choose you and to give up the people I always thought were "family". You silently revived in me the feeling that I can, that I exist, that I deserve, that I no longer have any reasons to feel insecure, weak, ugly or fat or mean or unworthy of judgment and ridicule for everything I have done wrong in my life. And it felt so good. It was good when we had 1 dollar on the credit card to get 2 juices from Lidl. It was good, it felt good, and my soul, although overwhelmed, with worries and stress that I can't describe ... it felt safe, it felt at home with your soul.


    I met your friends, I met your family, I met your baby ... I still remember what emotions were trying me when we first met. I was so scared that she wouldn't like me, I had so many thoughts, oh God. But her innocence struck me then like a thunder. She hit me so hard when I saw her inside me, I saw myself, as she had the same age I had when my parents got the divorce. And probably, in time, I just wanted to help, to learn, to be good, to be responsible, to be the best. Because I had no one to teach me ... nothing and no one, not even when suffering or the fact that you can't unite broken links through logic or reason, but only through love.

Nobody taught me what love is. But, I have learned that God is love, and the more love there is in the soul, the stronger I do not "submit" to the material world, succeeding in transforming evil into good after a while. Outside you can get upset, angry, have despair, that's not scary. The important thing is that the soul, inside, emanates love. It's an art you don't learn all of a sudden, but I'm starting to learn at least ideologically what that entails. Maybe my soul is too deep, too loaded, and maybe sometimes I don't know how to handle the storms inside it. But I don't know if that makes me a bad person.

In time and seeing my behavior due to the incapacity of managing my struggles, you started rioting. You were bothered by everything I said to your kid, not understanding that kindness, without some discipline, does not help, but destroys. Kindness becomes something taken for free, without learning the lesson of gratitude, compassion, love and help. And you confused my "involvement" with lack of love. Which hurt a lot, because no matter how much I wish it was the other way around, not many people manage to genuine love your child so much. And not because she is a kid and deserves to be loved, but because there is no more kindness or love among us, maybe only self-love to others, hence the inability to offer something so precious.

I got over it, you know? As I said above, I overcame the suffering, fast-forward, giving way to hope, the bad one this time, the one I was talking about in the beginning. Then your father died. And no matter how hard you try, you can't fully understand me, because I don't act like other people, I'm not like other people and I don't blame you, it's not like anyone ever understood me, except God . Although ... I blame you. You have given me the security that God has given me. Did I have high expectations of you that you would understand me when others did not want to or could not? Or did I make an idol of you, to whom I worshiped?

I've been through this suffering, you know? But it's not fast-forward anymore, it's slow-motion. It's a torture filmed from the outside in slow motion, to give me time, to give me the time to bring out the other sufferings and show me that I can heal them. That I am strong, that I can, that I am able to cross mountains without breathing, to accept myself as I am at times or when others do not.

Yesterday ... I realized that something had broken in you and that your love ... hadn't existed for a while ... that it had been destroyed and dissipated by what I had done, by lies, by pride, words thrown with hatred, by pain ... and despite the impression you left me the last time you told me that you love me, that love no longer exists. And that's fine. Love must heal and if it didn't work out for you, it wasn't enough ... or I wasn't. .....

A few years ago, a priest told me that during The Easter fasting, I should make a habit of analyzing everything I had done and asking for forgiveness from all the people I had wronged and those who tt seems to me that they have wronged me, that in one form or another, my attitude has made them act to hurt me, that is, in other words, I also "deserved it." So, I wrote all these lines to you, so that in one way or another, to apologize. Please forgive me for any wrongdoing, any unjust action or behavior, any misjudgment of mine, any unfulfilled expectations. Please forgive me for whatever you wanted me to do and didn't do or for whatever you wanted me to say and didn't say. I beg you to learn all the lessons you are allowed to learn from the relationship we had ... and to be truly happy. I wish you sincerely to discover the true happiness, the one that we were not able to offer ourselves until the end, until the end of our life together.



Always. Never. Part I

I've always loved writing. I started with my diary at the age of 12, where I kept all my thoughts. Thoughts about how I hate my dad for being drunk, thoughts about my uncle, about school and how only my teachers witnessed my abilities, about quarrels with my sister, about my mother's hatred and how she treated me, about the fear of leaving me behind, to the first feelings aroused when I liked a boy and my shyness to say something. I didn’t really have anyone to talk to and that's how I chose to write. It was my way of talking, with me ... with God. Then, after an experience in French class, when, satiated for everyone to copy the homework from me, one day, I didn't do it. Oh, but I did it, in my head. Everyone's shock that I didn't do my homework was amazing. As no one had the homework done, of course, I, the "A" student, had to had it. But I confessed that I don't have it in my notebook, but I have it in my head. I took A+ obviously. Since then, I have learned to "write" in my head, to fill my mind with tens of pages, in thousands and millions of volumes, theoretically, beautifully arranged on shelves, on years, days, clear and specific sections. However, the reality is that it's all fake. Basically, all the pages are torn from the books and each one flies where it can. It's chaos, but it's my chaos, which I can still manage, in an attempt to make it clean, to make everything perfect. But nothing is perfect. Or it is, as it is ... you just have to have eyes to see beyond...


I don't know if anything good has ever happened to me in my life, in worldly terms. A childhood that I try to erase from memory, trying to erase all bad memories and everything that hurt me or was misunderstood by my mind, which always sought answers, feeling different, unjust, abused, humiliated, mocked, but never without hope. Very late I realized that my misunderstood hope was making me go through every situation in which I was suffering with the speed of light, telling me that it was passing, that it would be fine, that something good was waiting for me. However, the subconscious does not work that way. It creates patterns and programs, which are so deeply rooted that you are unaware of them, which is why it is called `subconscious`. And, you get like me, after years of suffering fast forward, over and over again, to gather all those sufferings, which come at some point to the surface, that they no longer take place in thousands of pages.


My hope, that good one, made me want to choose that every relationship I had, it would be the one forever. I had read that women unconsciously choose their men based on their relationship with their father. That is why, I always avoided people who liked to drink, to be able to start a family, to have a beautiful one and not projected on the patterns from my childhood that I try to forget. It worked somehow and I fell in love with people who weren't like my father. However, I never thought that there were also patterns from my mother. Oh, I certainly never anticipated that, I still manage to surprise myself.

If every relationship I started was "because I fell in love" and that's how it started, it was totally different with you. Everything was different with you, from the first day or night. I didn't fall in love with you all right away and I said it was the perfect time to not rush, to take things in stride, to give myself time, even if the truth was that I didn't want a relationship, considering that I had so many problems, so much debts, so much suffering on fast-forward. You made me feel safe from the first moment I saw you and that was enough for me. Because even in the longest relationship I've had, I didn't have that feeling, the one I had with you, a precious one and one that I haven't met before. To feel protected and safe. Oh, and I didn't understand why that happened, because in the next few days after I met you, I realized. It was that feeling that nothing could hurt me, a feeling that only my prayer of complaint in my discussions with God brought it to me. And you came ... and I felt it with you. I know I've talked about the fact that I didn't fall in love with you right away, but I don't think I ever told you why I kept going, when I couldn't.





Albert Einstein once said “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience”.

We all experienced a strange, a curious or a bizarre personal situation at least one time in a life. Situations like having premonitions, dreams about another world, the feelings that we are not alone in the room, and so on. And yet we did not have a material response and we decided to bury the situation deep inside us. Why? Of fear. Because we are afraid. We are afraid of what people will think of us, we are afraid of what would happen if we would just be … ourselves. So, instead of admitting that all the subtle information we receive, and all the „strange” things that happen to us, are for a reason, we deny them with a nonchalance worthy of Napoleon himself.

In Orthodox Church, the main difference that separates this Christian religion from other religions is that Tradition occupies an important play. For example, orthodox people will not eat or drink anything before drinking the Holy water. On the other hand, they will not eat or drink anything that has red color or cabbage especially, during the day on which they celebrate cutting the head of the Saint John the Baptist, because red is the color of blood, and the cabbage was the veil on which the head of the Saint John was laid.

Combining the tradition of Orthodox and the experience of an orthodox monk, we will learn that maybe we should pay attention to the little or great bizarre things life shows us at some point.


So … God works in mysterious ways. This was the thought that a monk from an Orthodox monastery had for a long time while passing the deserted roads and the wild forests on his way to his new monastery. As the abbot of the monastery passed away, he had to move to another one, located very far away. After tree days, while trying to understand how God works and why the abbot died, he met another monk, who was going at the same monastery. He thought it would be nice to have a companion, to travel, to talk, to change opinions about questions that he had about how God works and to pray with along the way. But this monk did not meet his expectations, as he had a rule: under no circumstances any of them will ask questions, no matter what would happen, until they arrive at destination.  And so, they made a vow.  

So, they continued together the journey to the monastery. It was very hard for the monk to abstain from asking questions, but he decided to pray all the road and to be thankful just for having someone to travel with. After a while, they stopped to a poor family, who received them to eat some bread. The man and the wife excused themselves for not having anything else to eat, but in the last five years, a great sorrow occurred and they either could not find a place to work, or all of the sudden, they were kicked out without any reason. After they had finished eating and while thanking and saying goodbye, the monk saw the companion monk taking the single valuable thing that the poor family had, a goblet. Without anyone noticing, they left. On their way, the companion monk pulled the goblet from his pouch and threw it in a river. It was very hard for the monk to understand why he did that, knowing that the poor family could had sell the goblet and maybe buy some food, but he remembered that he would not ask any questions.

After another day, they arrived in a village and were invited for dinner and rest for the night. At dinner, the family talked about their life, about how wealthy they are, but sad in the same time, because the woman could not have children and they have no one to enjoy with all the wealth or to give the legacy. Instead, they had a very beautiful dog, who was like their child or more. So, the rest of the night they only talked about how proud are with their dog and how smart and beautiful he was. They left early in the morning, while the family was sleeping, but before leaving, the monk saw the companion monk killing the dog. He was outraged and starting to think what was going on with this monk.

But while continuing their way to the monastery, on the way to the next village, they saw an old church, with broken glasses, almost a ruin. And while passing through, the companion monk took some rocks, spat on them and threw them into the church, while cursing. The monk was shocked; he asked himself what kind of monk, of man of God, would do such a thing.

And just about when he was thinking to excuse himself, and continue the road alone, they entered the village, where they saw a drinking house, where people were drunk, fighting and throwing bottles to each other. And the next minute, he saw the companion monk taking bows in front of the bar, saying Our Father and making the sign of the Cross. They exited the village and straightened to the next one, and the last one before arriving at the destination.

Thinking that, the monk was relieved that the journey was about to end, but he had so many questions about what happened and what a cruel companion he had. So, he started to pray again. However, they arrived after a time in the last village, where they stopped because they saw two children crying in the front of a poor crashed house, because it was so old. After talking to the children, they found out that they became recently orphans, because their parents died in an accident, and the house was the only thing they had left, but almost destroyed. Nevertheless, they wanted to restore what it remained, so they could have a place to sleep at night. The monk offered them the last slice of bread that he had, and before saying goodbye, we said he would pray for them. However, the companion monk approached and started to break the rest of the house and burnt it, and they all witness how the house collapsed and there was nothing left for the children.

And they left … few hours passed by and they arrived at the destination. The monk exploded. He started to cry and asked why he did all that awful things. And why? The companion monk answered that he received information from God and all he did was for a greater good. For example, when he stole the goblet, nobody knew that inside it, it was written in ancient Latin that anyone who would possess the goblet, but the Royal family, it is cursed to live in poverty. So, after the goblet was thrown in the river, the family will get rich. Secondly, the rich family who could not have children was attached of the dog so much, as they made him their god. Killing the dog was good, because they were blind, and now God will give them a child. Still, the monk had questions. Why cursing the old church and worship a bar? Moreover, the companion monk answered that in the old church were demons, and by throwing with rocks at them, they went out. While worshiping at the bar was a good thing also, because among the people in the bar, there was the mayor of the village, who was talking to someone about rebuilding and restoring the old church, and asking for God’s help. Moreover, in the last village, he had to destroy the last part of the house, because underneath that part, their parents buried a treasure, and they would have never found out, because they were going to restore the house with the remaining pieces and live just like that, in poverty all their life. Therefore, finally the monk understood how God works.

If the source of knowledge is not information, but experience, this leads to a very interesting conclusion. What are we going to do, with the information that is given to us? We are going to transform it to experience, thinking that there is more to this, than meets the eye? Or are we going to ignore the „invisible”, the „strange”, the „paranormal”, just to feel at ease with this life? So, when was the last time you felt something strange?








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